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Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy


In order to provide philosophy students with a better understanding of the publishing process, the PSU is launching a student journal to showcase some of the excellent work being done at the undergaduate level.  Academic publishing is an important part of an academic career, and familiarity with the process would aid prospective graduate students in their future studies as well as students more generally interested in the academic world.


The Simon Fraser Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed journal, edited and run by students.  Those who complete outstanding papers in the course of their studies will have the opportunity to have their work published in an open source online journal.  Students will also have the opportunity to gain experience in the peer-review and publishing processes by volunteering with the journal.  Senior students will serve as editors managing the peer review process, copywriting, and providing tutoring and support to less experience students interested in the process.  Even if students have no experience with the peer-review process they should volunteer. The system being developed for review works on somewhat of mentoring concept and utilizes the skills of the diverse student body within SFU Philosophy. Mature students holding more advanced degrees, or more than one degree in an area that lines up with a journal theme, graduate students, professors, and alumni, or students who are about to graduate can play the more senior role of Referees, and Referees will work with Peer Reviewers, undergraduates with less to no experience.


The PSU will be publishing the first issue of the Simon Fraser University Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy in the form of a special inaugural issue in connection to the Interdisciplinary Undegraduate Conference held with Beedie School of Business and the Department of Education on November 5, 2016. SFU Psychology Alumi assisted on the day of the event. Please feel free to browse conference photos/schedule under past events. In 2014-2015 an inter-institutional relationship with the University of British Columbia Philosophy Student Association was established and maintained by past PSU President, Ryan Lee. Two conferences have been carried out with the UBC students as of this date. PSU members are currently attempting to consolidate any materials remaining from these conferences for posting to the site and possible publication.





"At a time when there is considerable pressure for students to retreat into the silo of their respective majors, this inter-disciplinary conference and journal is especially valuable. They help  prepare students for the reality of post-University life, where success often depends on an ability to draw from and make sense of intellectual resources that are conventionally housed behind the walls of separate academic disciplines." 

Dr. Sam Black, SFU Philosophy

 "I wish you and your colleagues the very best in organizing this important and much-needed interdisciplinary undergraduate conference."

Dr. Mark Wexler, Beedie School of Business

"It is fantastic to learn that the PSU is launching an undergrad philosophy journal. I also really value the desire to profile the works of some of our outstanding students."

- Dr. Kathleen Burke, Beedie School of Business

"I am glad to hear that the PSU is attempting to start an undergrad philosophy journal. That type of journal is evermore important. When I was an undergrad student at McGill, this type of journal provided opportunities and platforms for my first publications."

- Dr. Robert Adamson, Beedie School of Business 

"It's a great opportunity on two counts for undergraduates to be able to compete for publication in SFU's new undergraduate philosophy journal. First, having a real publication on your resume impresses potential employers and clients because it's unusual and evidence of higher achievement than the usual. I had one in my 20s - not a very good one really - and my consulting clients were always impressed.

Second, it's especially good that the journal is interdisciplinary. Applied philosophy is helpful for business students thinking about business ethics. And perhaps when philosophy students think about business, they will think of practical applications for their expertise. One of my Business Strategy colleagues at SFU has his BA in philosophy and he is our best teacher of both grads and undergrads. Philosophy can be where "the rubber meets the road" when it's practical and applied to organizational practice."

Dr. Neil R. Abramson, Beedie School of Business

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